Two Diamondbacks
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Two Diamondbacks

Two Diamondbacks seen on different days and under different circumstances are highlighted here.  The first rattler was found in the same spot two days in a row.  It is the spot where it was found that makes it intriguing.  Try and spot it.

The second Diamondback was spotted in a section of the wash where the sun reaches it early.  This Diamondback is shown for two reasons.  The first is for the snake’s size.  This is the biggest Diamondback I have seen in the park!  You might be able to judge from the photograph.  The thickness of the snake’s neck was about twice the diameter of the average three-footer in the park.  The thick coils seemed to hold its head and neck higher off the ground.  Although I didn’t see it crawl away I estimate the length to be four feet or more.  I wouldn’t be surprised if it was five feet!  The second reason was for the dramatic colors achieved by waiting for the sun to reach it.  The colors and snake’s personality seem to jump out at the viewer after the sun lights it.


Photographs and text by Joel Pearson