Coffee House Saturdays with live music – Performance by Three-Legged Dog
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Coffee House Saturdays with live music – Performance by Three-Legged Dog

January 18 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am

Coffee House Saturdays occurs every third Saturday of the month at the North Mountain Visitor Center (NMVC) located at 12950 North 7th Street in Phoenix.

Free hot coffee and live music offered from 9 AM to 11 AM.

Admission is always free.

Donations to Save Our Mountains Foundation (501c3) are always welcome. Any purchases made at our gift shop go toward supporting facility operations and our nonprofit’s mission of protecting the preserve for future generations.

Call 602-343-5125 with any questions.

Long ago, in an America faraway…
There were string bands everywhere, small groups that played all kinds of music—old-time
mountain stuff, gospel, swing, popular tunes of the day, what we now call country—on acoustic
Three-Legged Dog is today’s version of these taking to the stage with multiple guitars, mandolins,
banjos, Dobro, cello, fiddle, accordion, musical saw, standup and fretless electric bass, bouzouki,
jug and jaw harp…
Three people hopelessly outnumbered by instruments. Come and see who wins!


Coffee and refreshments will be served during the Coffee House.
Donations made to Save Our Mountains Foundation are much appreciated.



January 18
9:00 am - 11:00 am
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Save Our Mountains Foundation


North Mountain Visitor Center
12950 North 7th Street
Phoenix, AZ 85022 United States
View Venue Website